Step 1- One-on-One Consultation
Discuss the art needs for your project with a Moberg Gallery Art Consultant. We will schedule a site visit or a Zoom call to review the building floor plan and/or architectural renderings. We will then share completed projects with you to give you a better idea of Moberg Gallery’s range of services.

Step 2 – Customized Art Proposal
We will prepare a complimentary proposal for your project. This will be based on the initial meeting, your specific art needs, and your budget. The proposal will include purchased original artworks or prints, commissioned or site-specific artworks, leased and rotated works, or a mix of these. This proposal will be comprehensive, so you can provide your Art Consultant with feedback, to ensure the proposal is the best for your project and budget. We offer flexible pricing plans so we can provide dynamic artworks for a range of budgets. At this time, we will also review any existing art inventory and help determine if it will be included, sold, or donated.

Step 3 – Artwork Selection
Using our extensive catalog and roster of professional artists, your Art Consultant will curate your collection. We will provide you with multiple options based on aesthetics, budget, and artwork sizes for respective spaces.

Step 4 – Installation & Rotation
Our professional Art Handlers will be on site to manage everything from delivery to installation. Once installed, works may be rotated so that employees or viewers can have a new art experience by seeing various works in their space. We can also install informational plaques and QR codes next to artworks, so viewers can experience this art as more than decoration; they can also engage with the work as a cultural learning experience.